Logos Academy, on top of designing an eleven-year school-based curriculum for the “through-train” education to prepare the students to take the International Baccalaureate Diploma examination and/or the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination, has also developed a broad and balance curriculum for the students.
Goals of the School-based Curriculum at Junior Secondary Level
The goals of the school-based secondary school curriculum for secondary students aim at helping students establish a firm foundation of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes necessary for further learning. There would be a particular emphasis on students’ achieving high standards in literacy and numeracy, thereby establishing skills essential for success in all areas of learning in the subsequent years.
The core curriculum will then focus on developing students’ skills, strengthening their values and attitudes through their continued acquisition and construction of knowledge in all the key learning areas. The key learning areas will be organized in a broad and comprehensive program, which would provide the basis for students’ choice of subjects in later years.
With rigorous training leading to this stage, students are expected to show ability to consolidate and integrate what they have learned and make preparations for competitive university entrance examinations. We would further strengthen students’ abilities for independent and life-long learning; empower them to learn confidently and creatively by enabling each student to discover and develop his /her strengths so as to prepare them for further studies.
Characteristics of the Curriculum
Our Programme of Studies has been developed in line with recommendations made by the Curriculum Development Council. Our curriculum framework is broad and balanced. The formal, informal and non-formal curricula are lined up and structured in our Programme of Studies. The curriculum is comprehensive and developmental, with provisions and flexibility to develop students’ multiple intelligences and generic skills for independent and life-long learning while nurturing positive values and attitudes for their whole-person development. Students will be able to acquire the Five Essential Learning Experiences, namely, ‘moral and civic education’, ‘intellectual development’, ‘community service’, ‘physical and aesthetic development’ and ‘career-related’ experiences. Moreover, the programme also incorporates multicultural components.
The Programme of Studies comprises the following interconnected components :
Integrated Learning Sessions (ILS):
With Programmes developed from the Key Learning Areas embracing Multicultural Components, mainly to develop students’ learning skills and groom learning habits so that they love to learn, know how to learn and enjoy learning.
Intelligences Enhancement Programmes (IEP):
To develop students’ basic knowledge, skills and intelligences; to empower students to learn confidently and creatively by enabling them to discover their potentials and develop their strengths as life-long learners.
Whole-person Development Programmes (WDP):
To assist our students to pursue an abundant life by providing an all-round education leading to students’ spiritual, moral, cognitive, social, aesthetic and physical growth.