Admission Criteria : Transfer Students

Application for transfer students:

  • Applicants for transfer students are also required to take academic tests on the subjects (some or all) they will take.
  • Applicants with satisfactory academic test performance will be invited for an interview.
  • In this interview, both the parents and applicant will be invited. The school will select the applicant based on the following criteria: 
  1. Performance of interview of the applicant: such as the language abilities and cognitive abilities; social and communication skills; problem solving skills; care and concern about others, etc.
  2. Performance of interview of parents: support on school’s visions and missions; appreciation of new ideas and innovations; adequate parental support to child, and strong commitment to Logos and home-school cooperation, etc.
  3. When two applicants have very close overall performance, preference will be given to the applicant who has sibling(s) studying at the school.