‘TKO’s Footprints’--Draw the Beautiful Tseung Kwan O Sketching Competition 2024

Academic Year
2023 - 2024
Whole School

On February 25th of this year, the Tseung Kwan O Police District held the inaugural "TKO's Footprints - Draw the Beautiful Tseung Kwan O Sketching Competition 2024." Despite the unpredictable weather, the competition was successfully concluded, and our school, HKCCCU Logos Academy, sent 30 primary and secondary school students to participate. Through the medium of outdoor sketching, they focused on various subjects within Tseung Kwan O, including the Tseung Kwan O Waterfront Promenade, the Tseung Kwan O Cross Bay Bridge, the Hong Kong Velodrome, as well as different buildings and landscapes in the district. In this competition, we received four awards:

Champion:  DS3V LIANG Hing Yu 梁馨予
Most Popular Award: DS2V YEUNG Ho Shing 楊皓誠

Most Popular Award: MS2R CHAN Hi Yi Hana 陳喜宜
Most Popular Award: MS3A LO Hoi Ming 羅海銘