2020 IB Examination Results

Academic Year
2019 - 2020
Secondary Division

As a school committed to providing a quality eleven-year “through-train” primary and secondary education, we are very proud of our IB graduates who have been striving to become inquiring, knowledgeable and caring individuals. Through a rigorous curriculum that embodies intercultural understanding and respect, our students have been pursuing their life goals built on truth, benevolence and beauty. Their growth has been well observed in spiritual, moral, cognitive, aesthetic, physical and social aspects.

Amid an unusual school year full of tumult and disruption, graduates of this cohort have endured unprecedented challenges, having witnessed social upheaval locally as well as felt since the start of 2020 the tremendous threat brought about by COVID-19 on an international scale. Despite these challenges, we are blessed in the concerted effort by all Logosians – students, teachers and parents – that helped us all move forward, and are indeed happy to announce the following results for our current IB graduates:

May 2020 IB Examination Results (Eighth Cohort of IB Students)
Points / ScoreIB graduates  
from Logos Academy  
(May 2020)
(May 2019)
40 points or above21.1%9.8%
35 points or above78.94%32.5%
27 points or above100.0%86.0%
Mean Score37.129.91  
(May 2020)

It is particularly pleasing that 3 graduates of this cohort have attained the full mark in the diploma (namely, 45/45 points). Congratulations to CHOW Shun Yan, LO Pui Yin, and LEE Chun Lok.

Despite their relatively young age (they have spent only 11 years in their primary and secondary education), they have attained very good results in this competitive internationally recognized examination.

Congratulations to all our IB graduates. We hope they will continue to develop their potential, help create a better and more peaceful world and contribute to the well-being of mankind in the future.