2022 IB Examination Results

Academic Year
2021 - 2022
Secondary Division

As a school providing a quality eleven-year “through-train” primary and secondary education, we are committed to educate our students to become inquiring, knowledgeable and caring individuals. Through a rigorous and holistic curriculum that embodies intercultural understanding and respect, our students have been pursuing their life goals built on truth, benevolence and beauty. Their growth has been well observed in spiritual, moral, cognitive, aesthetic, physical and social aspects.

Despite the many challenges that our students have faced under the continual disruptions of COVID-19 in these few years, our remarkable IB students have braved obstacles big and small with unqualified determination and stamina – in the presence of their supportive teachers and parents – eventually produced the following outstanding IBDP examination results which we are very proud to announce:

May 2022 IB Examination Results (tenth cohort of 46 IB Students)

Points / Score

IB graduates
from Logos Academy

45 points



43 points or above



40 points or above



Mean Score


We are particularly pleased that 2 of our graduates in this cohort, LI Hong Zephan and YU Rachel, have attained the full mark (namely, 45/45 points). TSANG Long Yuet got 44 points. Students with 43 points are FONG Nam, HO Chai Ching, LAU Wing Hang, NG York Hay and WONG Ching Hei. The passing rate of this cohort is 100% and all students have been awarded with the Bilingual Diploma.

Under our unique curriculum, the majority of our students have just spent only 11 years in their primary and secondary education. Despite their relatively young age (over 70% of our IBDP candidates are only 16 years old), they have attained very pleasing results in this competitive internationally-recognized examination.

We extend our most heartfelt congratulations to all our IB graduates. We have every confidence that they will continue to thrive in their own chosen disciplines when they embark on the next stage of education.